“Crap, What NOW!?!” 10 Tips To Guide Your Way Through Challenges

Obstacle Paths, Bricks and Rocks (By Popular Demand and Request I am posting this again as you face any challenges.) See, the thing about 6-year-olds is they are busy. Very busy. And very creative.  Though….sometimes that creativity shows up in unexpected places and in different ways. Like your front walkway: Then me, just shy of a…

“Good Enough” is the New Perfect for Empowered Moms

Today’s Empowered Moms are constantly re-evaluating what it means to “have it all” and creating new ways to balance family and work. “The Mommy Wars” of the past decades, which pitted stay-at-home mothers against those in the workforce, have changed. There’s less camaraderie now between women in both camps and more isolation as mothers have…